Digital service of documents and reply requests

Digital service of documents and reply requests are used for the majority of workers compensation initiating application form types.

How digital services of documents and reply requests works:

  • Upon registration of an application the Commission Registry will confirm the application registration via email to the filing party, however will not attach sealed applications, supporting documents or a proceedings timetable, as this information will be available in the Pathway Portal for both parties and in listings notification emails that will follow soon after (where listings are required)
  • The filing party will no longer need to serve those documents on the respondent or provide a certificate of service, reducing administrative burden
  • The Commission Registry will digitally serve the application, supporting documents and a request for reply to the respondent or their legal representative to view via the Pathway Portal.
  • The respondent or their legal representative will be notified via an email notification that includes the reply due date and instructions to view the matter and submit their reply via the Pathway Portal

This process applies to the following application types:

  • Form 2 - Application to Resolve a Dispute
  • Form 7 - Application for Assessment by a Medical Assessor
  • Form 10 - Appeal Against a Decision of Medical Assessor
  • Form 11B - Application to Cure a Defective Pre- filing Statement
  • Form 11C - Application for Mediation to Resolve Work Injury Damages Claim
  • Form 20 - Miscellaneous
  • Form 15 - Application for Assessment of costs
  • Form 15A - Application for Assessment of costs
  • Form 15B - Application for Assessment of costs

For the following applications, the filing party needs to pre-serve the respondent before lodging an application. The Commission Registry will request the reply upon registration.

  • Form 1- Application for Expedited Assessment
  • Form 1A - Application to Revoke an Interim Payment Direction
  • Form 6 - Application to Resolve a Workplace Injury Management Dispute

The following application types require the filing party to serve the application and supporting documents and proceedings timetable after the application is registered.

These documents are available in the Pathway Portal for the filing party to download and serve. They are not emailed as attachments to the filing party to protect data security.

  • Form 2D - Application in Respect of Death of Worker
  • Form 5A - Application to Register a Commutation Agreement
  • Form 9 – Application to Appeal against the decision of a Member
  • Form 11 - Direction for Access to Information and Premises
  • Form 11E - Application to Strike Out a Pre-filing Statement